Cybersecurity Grant Program Announcements: Please see sections below for additional information.
- Participation into the SLCGP Grant Program is still ongoing. To participate in this grant program, please submit the following forms to Please submit forms for BATCH 2 participation by December 1, 2024, to participate into this program and received a FREE Cybersecurity Assessment and Services from the MOHS.
- For more information about potential grant opportunities, please email us at:
State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program: The State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) provides funds to state and local entities to combat the ever-increasing number of cybersecurity risks. Strengthening cybersecurity practices and resilience is a priority for the Homeland Security and a primary focus. As a requirement 80% of funds, must be provided to local jurisdictions, with 25% of that total being received by rural entities.
Local Jurisdiction Definition: Per FEMA, a local jurisdiction is defined as, "county, municipality, city, town, township, local public authority, school district, special district, intrastate district, council of governments (regardless of whether the council of governments is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under State law), regional or interstate government entity, or agency or instrumentality of a local government; an Indian tribe or authorized tribal organization, or in Alaska a Native village or Alaska Regional Native Corporation; and a rural community, unincorporated town or village, or other public entity"
Program Objectives:
Objective 1: Develop and establish appropriate governance structures, including developing, implementing, or revising cybersecurity plans, to improve capabilities to respond to cybersecurity incidents and ensure continuity of operations.
Objective 2: Understand the current cybersecurity posture and areas for improvement based on continuous testing, evaluation, and structured assessments.
Objective 3: Implement security protections commensurate with risk.
Objective 4: Ensure organization personnel are trained in cybersecurity.
Program Priorities:
- Establish a Mississippi Cybersecurity Planning Committee.
- Develop a statewide Cybersecurity Plan.
- Conduct assessments and evaluations for the basis of individual projects funded through this grant.
- Adopt key cybersecurity best practices.
Mississippi Cybersecurity Planning Committee (MCPC):
As part of the SLCGP grant, the Mississippi Office of Homeland Security must establish a planning committee to help with the decision making and planning for the grant program, as well as grant funding. The committee has voted and approved the Charter below to establish this committee.
Mississippi Cybersecurity Planning Committee-FY22 Charter
The MCPC is made up of members from state agencies, local jurisdiction, community partners and those that are interested in cybersecurity and helping Mississippi become safer with cybersecurity.
If you are interested in joining the MCPC, please contact us at:
FY22/FY23 SLCGP Updates:
The MS Office of Homeland Security was awarded a FY22/FY23 State and Local Cybersecurity grant for federal funds. The following area has been planned as the funding priority for the FY22/FY23 funds:
- Statewide Local Assessments: In an effort to ascertain the gaps, risks and vulnerabilities of the local jurisdictions across Mississippi, the MOHS and MCPC will be implementing a statewide cybersecurity assessment. For the MOHS to be able to gain useful information and knowledge, while assessing results consistency and effectively, the MOHS will retain funds on the benefit of locals. This will allow for the state to acquire (1) or more vendors through an RFP process and receive a consistent product.
- What is a cybersecurity assessment?
- The assessment is a tool that will gauge where a local jurisdiction is with safety in cybersecurity. Assessments will be provided to local jurisdictions that participate in the program to ascertain the local areas gaps, vulnerabilities and risks when it comes to cybersecurity. At the end of the assessment, the local jurisdiction will be able to receive a report on the results. Results will be able to be used for other grant funding programs, help with funding locally or federally.
- How do I participate in this process and get an assessment?
- The process is simple. Please fill out the below linked forms and return to:
- What do I get out of it?
- Each participant will receive a customized assessment on your area's cybersecurity gaps, risks and vulnerabilities. This assessment can be used to seek other grant funding opportunities. Once assessments have gone through a review, priorities will be set by the MOHS and MCPC on areas of need a priority. Funds may be disbursed through sub-grants or could be provided as a state project that will benefit the state as a whole.
- What will the MOHS do with the assessments?
- Assessments will be reviewed for the collection of data and used to seek additional funding from state and federal programs. The MOHS will analyze the results to provide funding either on a local or state level to address issues and priorities found in the assessment results. All results will be held confidential and will not be shared without the permission of the agency. The assessments are to gauge the state risks, vulnerabilities and gaps, while identify areas of need of improvement.
- Do I still get an assessment or services without filling out the MOU and Consent forms?
- No. With this grant program, only participants that provided the required documentation are eligible for these services with the grant funds. In the event that MOHS is able to acquire more state and/or federal funds, then jurisdictions may be able to receive services at that time. This allotment of funding will only provide assessments and funding to those that participate in the SLCGP program, at this time.
- What is a cybersecurity assessment?
FY23 SLCGP Updates:
The MOHS was awarded the FY23 SLCGP Grant Award in the amount of $6.7 million dollars. Programming opportunities are forth coming.
FY24 SLCGP Updates:
The MOHS is currently in the Application process for FY24 SLCGP Grant Funds.